to 30bp

User Guide

Version 3.0, February 1997

Andrew Trevorrow

is a Macintosh implementation of Donald Knuth's TEX typesetting system. This document assumes you know how to use a Macintosh. It also assumes you know how to create a TEX (or LATEX) input file. If you have access to a PostScript printer then an understanding of PostScript would be useful, but it is not essential. aims to provide a standard TEX environment for the Macintosh that is easy to extend or customize to suit your particular needs. If you have used TEX on some other computer then the way works shouldn't be too surprising. is shareware, so you are welcome to try it out before paying the registration fee (see the ``Shareware Fee'' item in 's Help menu for details about how to pay). Comments, bug reports and suggestions are all welcome, but please note that I only reply to e-mail queries from registered individuals.